Second Location Boosts Top Line
DAYTONA BEACH , Fla. ( April 6, 2005 )/PRNewswire/ – RepairOne® Automotive Concepts, LLC has reported record-setting revenue for the month of March and for the first quarter of 2005. March 2005 revenue at the company’s original location in Port Orange , Fla. increased 19 percent over 2004, ending the first quarter with a 38 percent increase over the same period last year. An additional $176,000 generated by the second RepairOne® location that opened in mid-January in South Daytona , Fla. , gave the company an overall first quarter revenue increase of 95 percent for the same period. In March alone, the new unit added $86,000 in revenue.
“The first quarter at our new company-owned store was encouraging and we expect an additional $1 million in annual revenue from this unit as a result,” said Steve Tacinelli, RepairOne® Partner and CFO. “Our South Daytona unit was the second location we’ve acquired and converted from another automotive franchise concept. The unit revenue, formerly between $120,000-$180,000 annually for a four-bay service unit, has been considerable thanks to the effective implementation of our proven business model. We hope to further increase productivity this year by adding an additional service bay.”
According to Todd Hayes, RepairOne® Founding Partner, the more than 30 affiliate locations around the country are seeing similar revenue increases as a result of the unique RepairOne® concept. Utilizing the right combination of superior customer service, proactive marketing and competitive pricing, RepairOne® is the leading automotive service brand in their local markets. Inquiries from interested franchisees have been high, but RepairOne® remains highly committed to controlled growth and is not franchising the concept at this time.
Since opening in October 2002, RepairOne® has been providing complete automotive repair and service as noted in their award-winning advertising campaign, "Car Trouble? RepairOne® We Fix Everything". RepairOne® offers extended store hours from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday, free round-trip customer shuttles, emergency roadside rescue, nationwide warranty, and friendly, professional store associates. All mechanics are certified and most are ASE Master Certified Technicians.
RepairOne® is a privately held company based in Daytona Beach, Fla., formed to create and grant the Master Franchise Rights and Area Development Rights of automotive repair and service center stores franchised under the "RepairOne" name. Since inception, RepairOne(R) has granted more than 30 affiliate locations throughout the United States utilizing their superior operation method. RepairOne® is an established retailer throughout the United States , with locations in densely populated, suburban areas that provide easy access for customers.